@article{oai:mdu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001041, author = {出口, 敏雄 and 三村, 博 and 戸苅, 惇毅}, issue = {3}, journal = {松本歯学}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, Recently, stomatognathic function analysis has been recognized as essential to diagnosis and treatment planning, especially in patients with dento-skeletal discrepancies and TMJ disorders. Functional malocclusion should be carefully judged in diagnosis of pre-surgical orthodontic treatment and TMJ disorders. Also, the estimation of the EMG power and jaw movement pathway changes before and after surgery are very effective in estimating the occlusal stability and expectations of post-surgical relapse. A new stomatognathic functional system (OSFAS) has been completed and OSFAS is now being operated in our clinics. Furthermore, establishment of OSFAS will lead our dental hospital to be acknowledged as an institution of specialized advanced dental care for pre-surgical and post-surgical orthodontic treatment which is covered by health insurance.}, pages = {263--269}, title = {顎変形症および顎関節症の顎口腔機能診断}, volume = {17}, year = {1991} }