@article{oai:mdu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001399, author = {井手口, 英章 and 佐々木, 久 and 氣賀, 昌彦 and 中村, なが子 and 古沢, 清文 and 平山, 政彦 and 中島, 和敏 and 島田, 仁史 and 小松, 正隆 and 山岡, 稔 and 待田, 順治 and 寺町, 好平 and 松田, 泰明 and 丹羽, 敏勝 and 戸苅, 惇毅 and 出口, 敏雄}, issue = {1}, journal = {松本歯学}, month = {Jun}, note = {application/pdf, Surgical corrections were performed on prognathism in 17 patients who were examined during the past 8 years in our department. The purpose of this study was to investigate the predominant cases of mandibular prognathism corrected by use of the Dal Pont-Obwegeser method, and to determire whether or not the period of preoperative orthodontic treatment, occlusion, particularly open bite, method of immobilisation, and rotation or displacement of condyle may considerably influence the prognosis (such as return to preoperative relationship). In conclusion, the Dal Pont-Obwegeser method was useful in achieving esthetic appearance, correct occlusion and proper function of the mandible. There have been no open bites nor relapse to date. However, open bite in preoperative relationship tended to intimate incisal occlusion within one year after the removal of arch bars and intermaxillary elastics or wires. A balanced occlusion in harmony with the restored masticating mechanism may not be easily established in open bite. Therefore stabilization may be necessary to be left for a period of more than one year namely critical period to arise postoperative complications. Arthrose was not observed even in cases in which the condyle was thought to be rotated, as the length of reduction to distal position was different on both sides, and radiography revealed a little dislocation of the position of condyle in mandibular fossa. In spite of the extreme care taken to not traumatize the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle, numbness of one or both sides of the lower lip appeared in many cases, but it was not persistent anesthesia. These findings are of benefit to orthodontic and surgical cooperation in the treatment of cases of prognathism.}, pages = {48--55}, title = {下顎前突症の外科的矯正手術17例について}, volume = {10}, year = {1984} }