@article{oai:mdu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001700, author = {石井, 和生 and 宮沢, てる子 and 永沢, 栄 and 伊藤, 充雄 and 中西, 哲生 and 高橋, 重雄}, issue = {2}, journal = {松本歯学}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, In this report, it was described that the strain in compression loading at 1,000g/cm^2 and permanent deformation after the loading. These experiments were practiced by students on the course of dental technology, Matsumoto Dental College, in 1974, 1975 and 1976. Impression materials used for their experiments, were 8 kinds of products (Palgnex, AB-44, Algix S, Algace, Zelgan, Hi-Technicol, Fast set Technicol, Jeltrate) in alginate impression materials, 2 kinds of products (Excel, Surflex) in polysulfide rubber impression materials and 4 kinds of products (Coltex, Toshicon, Flexicon, De-Si-Cone) in silicone impression materials. Results were follows: 1. All of products used for these experiments, were satisfactory to the Japanese Industrial Standard and the American Dental Association Standard. 2. On alginate impression materials, the values of strain in compression and parmanent deformation, measured by students in each year, were slightly different from the values measured by authors respectively. 3. On elastomeric impression materials, strain in compression measured by students was larger than the values measured by authors, while permanent deformation was similar to the values by authors. But, every standard division of previous both measurements were larger than that of authors. 4. Strain in compression and permanent deformation of the products, such as Zelgan, Palgnex, Surflex, Toshicon and Flexcon, were obtained stable results for three years.}, pages = {199--204}, title = {歯科理工学実習で測定した印象材の性質に関する研究}, volume = {7}, year = {1981} }