@article{oai:mdu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000191, author = {林, 俊子 and 川上, 敏行 and 枝, 重夫 and 平岡, 行博 and 原田, 実 and 丸茂, 忠英 and 龍方, 孝典 and 亀山, 嘉光 and 千野, 武広}, issue = {1}, journal = {松本歯学}, month = {Jun}, note = {application/pdf, A dermoid cyst appeared in the floor of a the mouth of a 47-year-old woman (Figs. 1, 2). Incision of the resected specimen (Fig. 3) revealed that it contained many small globular inclusions (Fig. 4). The cyst wall had a lining of stratified squamous epithelium and sebaceous glands (Fig. 5) and foreign body giant cells (Fig. 6). Therefore, it was diagnosed histopathologically as dermoid cyst. Histochemical and biochemical analyses about the globular inclusions (Figs. 4, 7) showed that they consisted mainly of lipids especially cholesterol (Fig. 10; Table 1) and partly of proteins excepting collagen fibers (Fig. 9; Table 2) and polysaccharides (Fig. 8).}, pages = {60--66}, title = {特異な内容物を有するDermoid Cystの1症例 : 特にその組織化学的および生化学的検索}, volume = {4}, year = {1978} }