@article{oai:mdu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000822, author = {吉武, 陽子 and 岩崎, 浩 and 林, 于昉 and 宮沢, 裕夫}, issue = {2}, journal = {松本歯学}, month = {Aug}, note = {application/pdf, Two cases of partial anodontia affecting many permanent teeth are reported. In the first case, an 18-year-6 month old male showed eight congenitally missing teeth: 5 752 1257 In the second case, a 15-year-old male showed ten congenitally missing teeth: 543 54 345 45 In the first case, partial anodontia had occurred exclusively in the male family members of three consecutive generations (the patient, his father, and his grandfather on the paternal side). Therefore, the disease is thought have been transmitted by dominant autosomal inheritance. In the second case, the patient's sister also suffers from congenital missing permanent teeth. Thus, it is thought that genetic factors play a role in the onset of the disease in both of these cases. The patient in the first case is currently using a removable space maintainer. However, a permanent prosthesis will be used in the future. In the second case, deciduous teeth remain while permanent teeth are missing. Even though there are no interproximal distance spaces now, when the deciduous teeth fall out due to physiological resorption, it will be necessary to perform prosthetic treatment.}, pages = {186--193}, title = {多数歯にわたる部分的無歯症の2症例}, volume = {22}, year = {1996} }