@article{oai:mdu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000933, author = {岩崎, 精彦 and 吉原, 隆二 and 甘利, 光治}, issue = {1}, journal = {松本歯学}, month = {Apr}, note = {application/pdf, Extension-bridge has been accepted as the substitute for removable partial dentures for patients missing most distal teeth due to the fact that removable partial dentures cause discomfort for patients. On the other hand, it is pointed out that the cantilever force of the extension-bridge causes periodontal disease with absorption of bone and gingivitis of the abutment teeth. In this study, we attached the three-unit-extension-bridge to the dried mandibular bone of an adult human and force corresponding to 5 kg was applied to the bridge. The stress of various areas on the buccal surface of bone was measured using a strain gauge. On the other side, the same force was applied to natural teeth and the strain was measured as a control. In the control, the stress was revealed to be dispersed widely throughout the bone, which could be the result of a change in direction of the strain in response to the magnitude. In the experimental side, a different response was observed between two abutments; stress was concentrated in the abutment adjacent to a missing tooth as a result of the unchanged direction of the strain, and because the direction of strain changed only slightly, stress was not concentrated around the anterior abutment tooth.}, pages = {50--57}, title = {延長ブリッジ装着時の咬合面垂直荷重に対する下顎骨の力学的反応}, volume = {20}, year = {1994} }